Employer-subsidised ticket
An employer subsidised ticket is a value or season ticket that can be loaded onto a travel card. Your employer has paid for all or part of the ticket. Once you are entitled to the benefit, you can download the employer subsidised ticket from the Nella.fi online service or from Nysse customer service.
A ticket with a benefit can be used for both business and leisure trips. However, an employer subsidised ticket is personal. It cannot be lent, even to family members, and it cannot be returned because the employer has paid at least part of the cost of the ticket. Only the owner of the travel card has access to travel information.
The employer maintains information about its employees who are entitled to an employer-subsidised ticket and the tickets available to them. If you know you are entitled to a ticket but cannot download it, please contact your employer in the first instance.
The benefit can be granted in euros or as a percentage and can vary according to the type of ticket. You pay only your share of the ticket (e.g. 75%) and the rest, the subsidy (e.g. 25%), is charged to your employer. You do not need to pay tax on employer-subsidised commuter tickets if their total value is no more than €3,400. It is the employer's responsibility to notify the tax authorities.

We offer the benefit for our employees
Many companies have already taken a step towards smarter mobility by offering a employer-subsidised ticket for their employees. Are you intrested in smart commuting?
E-passi, Smartum, Eazybreak and Edenred
Employers can offer their employees commuter benefits through services such as Eazybreak, Edenred, ePassi or Smartum. Eazybreak, Edenred, ePassi or Smartum can be used at most Nysse's points of sale, such as R-kiosks.
Eazybreak, Edenred, ePassi or Smartum cannot be used to pay at Nysse customer service or on the Nella.fi online service.