Sometimes it is just easier to take your own car, especially when there are no suitable connections with public transport.

There are special and totally free parking areas designed for public transport users located close to public transport stops and stations. You can leave your car or bike at a Park & Ride and continue by public transport.

Leave your car in the access parking and continue your journey by public transport.

Check out the parking places for public transport users





  • Space for 24 cars
  • Open from 05.00 a.m. to midnight
  • Location: Ristimäenkatu
  • Near stops to the center of Tampere: Tesoma A, Tesoma E
  • train to the center of Tampere and Nokia


Tarpila, Kangasala

Tupatie, Kangasala

Sääksjärvi, Lempäälä

Nokian asema, Nokia