Public transport belongs to everyone

We do our best to make travelling easy and safe for all kinds of travellers. We have reserved seats both in buses and trams for special groups, such as the elderly, people with physical and sensory disabilities, and those travelling with small children. These marked places can be found near the entrances. Customers have not been prioritized, but it is polite to give a seat to those who need it more.

Accessibility on buses

Most of our buses are low-floor. There is a button on the middle doors and cabins for wheelchair users and those travelling with baby carriages. Use the buttons so that the driver can pay attention to you and the transition goes smoothly: the driver can lower the bus closer to the edge of the bus stop, assist in using the wheelchair ramp and keep the doors open longer.

Accessibility on tram

The tram stops are built at the tram floor level, so the transfer is barrier-free - the distance between the platform and the tram is only 4 cm. In one tram there is space for a maximum of 12 prams or 6 large wheelchairs (or rollators) and 4 places for people travelling with a guide dog.

The tram stops automatically at every tram station. The driver also opens the doors when arriving at a station. The doors can be kept closed during quiet times or when weather conditions require it. In this case, you can open the door at the tram station by pressing the Nysse button.

Prepare for rush hours

Be prepared that the space for aids and other means of transport is limited. Boarding takes place in order of arrival, various customer groups have not been prioritized.

  • Place your luggage so that it does not disturb other passengers or block the aisles or doors of the bus or tram.
  • Make sure that your pram, aid or bike does not fall over or move during the trip.

The busiest transit hours are on weekdays at 7-9 a.m. and 14-18 p.m. If necessary, look for an alternative connection from the Journey Planner.

Journey Planner

Instructions for special groups

Prams and strollers

There is no charge for those travelling with prams or strollers. The basis is the child's safety, i.e. the child does not have to be left alone while paying. The child must travel in the pram or stroller the entire trip for safety reasons. Empty prams or strollers do not entitle you to a free trip.

The tram stations are built at floor level, so moving is barrier-free. In the tram, the spaces for prams are in the multi-purpose area of the central doors. There is room for up to 12 prams in one tram. These places may be also in use of wheelchairs.

Push the prams onto the bus from the middle doors

Place the pram behind the front seats on the bus with their right side facing the direction of travel. The back of the front seats or the wheelchair panel protect your child, for example, during sudden braking. If there is already a pram or wheelchair on board, place the pram in the next free place.

Take care of your child's safety

Always lock the pram with the brakes. Hold on to the prams the whole trip and make sure they will not fall. Sudden braking or turns can swing the prams. The child must be in a pram or stroller the entire trip for safety reasons. Never leave your child alone.

Use the pram button on the bus

Press the pram button when your stop is getting closer so the driver can let you out safely. The driver will open the middle doors and lower the bus closer to the edge of the stop. Leave the bus by reversing, i.e. pulling the stroller out of the bus.

The parent is pushing the pram in to a bus.

Children travelling with you

Children aged 0-6 years of age can travel free of charge with an older passenger. Children between the ages of 7 and 16 travel with a children's ticket.

Tickets for the children

The visually impaired

Visually impaired people most commonly use a white cane, a guide dog or special pins to tell that they are visually impaired. Visually impaired people pay for their journey with a ticket device, unless they have been granted free travelling in public transport. Guide dogs are welcome onboard free of charge in their work duties.

The control tiles at the tram stops guide the user of the white cane to the 2nd door of the tram. The metal guide strips on the floor of the tram guide you from the door to the ticket device and to the seats intended for the visually impaired, which are located near the 2nd and 4th doors of the tram. Buses have reserved seats near the doors for special groups, such as the visually impaired.

Passengers with reduced mobility

Passengers using wheelchairs and passengers using rollators may travel free of charge on buses and trams. The journey of an escort for a passenger using a wheelchair is also free of charge. A folded rollator does not entitle to free travel.

Board the bus or tram from the middle doors. The bus has a ramp, which you can ask the driver or other passengers for help to open. On the tram you don’t have to mind the height differences between the platform and tram car, for the stations have been build on the floor level. Make sure that the aid stays in place during the trip.

Electric wheelchairs are only transported on buses marked with a wheelchair icon. Electric scooters or mopeds are not transported on buses nor trams for safety reasons.

Accompanions for disabled passengers

An escort for a disabled person can travel free of charge if the disabled passenger has an EU A-marked disability card with him or her. The disabled passenger pays his or her trip normally unless they are otherwise entitled to free travel.

Read more about EU Disability Card

Demand responsive buses

Service bus is an intermediate form of a bus and a taxi, with easy access to local services such as a shop, day activities or a doctor. The special needs of the passenger is taken into account. If needed, the driver helps you with boarding, and you can also travel with a wheelchair or rollator.

The service is organized by your municipality. Nysse travel card, mobile tickets and advance tickets are valid in service buses in Tampere, Nokia, Orivesi, Pirkkala and Ylöjärvi.

The service of the demand responsive buses

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Nysse customer service