About us

With you all the way

Nysse offers you an easy and worry-free travel experience in the Tampere city region.

  • We bring together different forms of mobility.
  • We offer alternative ways to pay for your travel.
  • We share information to help your journey run smoothly.

The name Nysse comes from the Tampere dialect, "nysse tulee", meaning "now it's coming", which is said at the bus stop when the ride arrives. The brand name was chosen by public vote in 2016.

Red tram and white-blue bus on Hämeenkatu.

Nysse service area

Nysse provides public transport services in the Tampere urban area, which in addition to Tampere includes Kangasala, Lempäälä, Nokia, Orivesi, Pirkkala, Vesilahti and Ylöjärvi. In Valkeakoski, the Nysse ticketing system is in use, but transport is organised by the city of Valkeakoski and the Pirkanmaa Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment.

The service area is divided into zones A, B and C. The heart of the area is in Tampere, in zones A and B, surrounded by zone C. The zone boundaries are based on the service offer of the areas.

More information on payment zones

Nyssen vyöhykejako kartalla.

Who is behind the Nysse service?

The overall service of Nysse is provided by the Public Transport Unit of the Urban Environment Service Area of the City of Tampere. This includes route and timetable planning, tendering and procurement of bus routes, information and fare systems, customer experience planning and management, communication and marketing, and customer service.

Mika Periviita, director of Public Transport, is responsible for three teams: transport services, travel services and customer relationship management. The transport services team is headed by Juha-Pekka Häyrynen, planning manager, who is supported by a public transport engineer, a public transport planner and a customer service planner. The team also includes a separate contract management unit, headed by the contracts manager and staffed by a public transport engineer and two public transport logisticians. The travel services team is led by Tanja Lehtonen, development manager, and includes a service assistant and three planners. Customer service is part of the travel services team and is headed by a service manager with eight customer service assistants. The customer relationship management team is led by customer relationship manager Riikka Salkonen and includes a marketing planner, a communications planner and a planner.


The Tampere Tram is built and implemented using an alliance model. The alliance is a collaborative model where the client engages the contractors, builders and designers as early as possible in the project. Both the track infrastructure and depot of the Tampere Tramway and the traffic and maintenance operations are carried out using the alliance model.

More information on the Tampere Tramway makers is available on the Tampereen Ratikka website.

Bus services

Other bus services in the area

There are also additional non-Nysse bus services operating in the Nysse zones, which use the Nysse ticketing system. This means that a Nysse ticket can be used to pay for a journey if the journey only runs in Nysse zones. A Nysse ticket cannot be used as part payment for a journey. The ticket system is used in Valkeakoski and on the so-called U-lines:

  • Valkeakoski lines 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, and 67 are planned and organised by the City of Valkeakoski and the Pirkanmaa Ely Centre.
  • The U-lines are 43U, 56U, 57U, 60U, 68U, 69U, 87U, 95U and 96U.

Decisions are made together

The top-level decisions on the level of service and ticket prices in Nysse are made by the Tampere City Regional Public Transport Committee, which acts as the competent regional authority within the meaning of the Public Transport Act.

The Public Transport Committee has 14 members: seven are elected by the Tampere City Council and one each by the councils of the other municipalities, together with their deputies. The Tampere City Council elects the chairman and the deputy chairman from among its members.

Regional Public Transport Committee (in Finnish)

The most attractive public transport in Finland

Our service vision for 2025 is bold: to be a pioneer in public transport customer experience. Our region is growing rapidly and public transport plays a key role in ensuring smooth traffic flow and reducing emissions.

Our aim is to provide such a good service that a comprehensive public transport network will replace more and more journeys by private car in the Tampere region. We provide a customer-oriented service together with our stakeholders, with a big heart, following our core values.

Routes, timetables and ticketing systems are designed with customers in mind, taking into account the needs of public transport in an evolving environment.

A little girl is showing her travel card to the card reader in the bus.

Our values

Easy and carefree

Our services are as easy for the first-time traveller as they are for the more experienced passenger.

Innovating and evolving

We are developing our service in a customer-focused way, listening to current wishes and anticipating future needs. Our attitude to change is open.

Effective and responsible

We take responsibility for our actions. By caring for our customers, our employees and our society, we ensure that our actions have a positive impact on present and future generations.

Our story so far

1948 -

Finland's first regular trolleybus service to Härmälä started in December 1948. Tampere City Transport TKL ran the public transport service for half a century and continues to operate as one of the transport operators for Nysse.


In April 2006, the transition to a subscriber-producer model took place The transport planning was taken over by the public transport unit placed within the City of Tampere's community services service group. TKL remained in charge of the transport service. At the same time, some bus routes were tendered out to private transport providers. The overall service was renamed Tampere Public Transport.


The regional operation started in 2011 when the Tampere City Regional Public Transport Committee held its first meetings. The service was extended from Tampere to Kangasala, Lempäälä, Nokia, Pirkkala, Orivesi, Vesilahti and Ylöjärvi. The name of the service was changed to Tampere Regional Transport.

2016 -

The brand name Nysse was introduced in 2016 following a public vote. Nysse became the umbrella brand that owns the customer experience of public transport in its service area. The service is provided in partnership with many operators. In 2019, the visual identity of Nysse was updated, including the current logo.

In 2019, Nysse started a ticketing cooperation with VR, which means that Nysse tickets are also valid on trains within Nysse zones. In August 2021, the red trams started operating to Hervanta and Kaupin Campus.

The city of Valkeakoski joined the Nysse ticket and zone system in 2021, which means that the Nysse tickets is also valid on Valkeakoski's local buses.

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