Western lines 2024
Welcome to renew the lines of the western service area
The Western Lines 2024 planning was launched during the spring of 2022. The goal of the line renewal is to combine the bus and tram traffic in the western Nysse area into a compatible entity. At the same time, the service on other western bus lines will be renewed to match the service levels assigned to the areas.
The new western service will be planned in 2022 and will be taken in to use during 2023-2025. Tram service between Santalahti and Pyynikintori started operating in August 2023, and the aim is to operate to Lentävänniemi in early 2025.

Western Lines 2024 - the final route plan
The final route plan for Nysse's Western Lines 2024 is now available. See the plan on the map service and let us know your thoughts.
You can give your comments on the map service or using the feedback form. You can provide feedback until the end of January 2023.
How to comment on the map service
There is an "Add Comment" button in the upper right corner of the map service, which you can access to access the commenting tool. With the tool, you can click on the desired point in the plan and leave your comments. Note that the map service works poorly on mobile devices.
The stages of planning
Goals, principles and basic information
We started the route planning by renewing the principles of designing, which we will use in other line projects in the future as well. The starting goals for the western service were set to
- make bus and tram lines mutually supportive services
- improve the experience of using public transport
- support sustainable mobility in a growing urban area
- involve public transport users in the planning process.
It was possible to participate in the planning in all its phases. In the spring of 2022, we carried out a mobility survey, which we used to map the mobility habits and needs of the western service area. Almost 1,400 responses were received in the mobility survey, and this survey has served as excellent basic information for the line drafts.
We have made our best to take into account the wishes of as many passengers as possible. Public transport is planned for crowds, so unfortunately not all wishes can be fulfilled.
The final route plan, December 15, 2022
In earlier drafts, Lentävänniemi was served by tram 3. In the final route plan, the trams have been rearranged: tram 1 runs between Lentävänniemi and the Kaupin kampus, tram 3 between Sorin aukio and Hervanta. In this way, the expected passenger numbers of the tram lines can be equalized and the service can be improved on the more congested Hervanta line 3.
There are also other changes in the line compared to draft 2. The final route plan was approved on February 15, 2023.
Draft 2
The second route draft was published in September 15, 2022. It received more than 1,000 comments.
Draft 1
The first route draft was based on the mobility survey and principles of designing. It was published in June 14, 2022 and it received more than 800 comments.
What areas will the service plan cover?
A tramway is being built on the route Pyynikintori - Santalahti - Hiedanranta - Niemenranta - Lentävänniemi. The tram service will also have implications for the bus service in Lielahti, Niemi, Ryydynpohja and Siivikkala.
The reform of the western public transport service will also effect the areas of Epilä, Ristimäki, Tohloppi, Tesoma, Ikuri, Lamminpää, Haukiluoma, Myllypuro, Kalkku, Rahola and Villilä and in the entire area of Ylöjärvi. In these areas the service level will be analyzed based on the area's travel needs, available funding, municipal zoning and, among other things, transport and business policy objectives.
Introduction of the new routes
The public transport board of the Tampere urban region will make the decicion for the routes on February 15, 2023. The routes will be put into use during the years 2024–2025:
- Tram's route section Pyynikintori - Santalahti will be put into use as early as August 2023, but it will not yet have a significant impact on the bus service.
- The service level of the renewed western line will be decided in January 2024.
- The new bus lines will start on the summer season 2024 and winter season 2024-2025.
- Tram's route section Santalahti - Lentävänniemi will be commissioned in 2025.